

=>>>Google Adwords
 every person in the world begins his journey by first searching on google so it’s important
 to make your brand’s product/service visible to their potential customers
 Google Adwords act as an agent that brings the prospective customers related to your business
 by display their ad when the customers are searching for a product/service the Brand offers.

=>>> Why should a Brand spend on Adwords?
 A Brand only pays to Google to get clicks on their ad.
1 After visitor click on the ad
2 the visitor comes to a Brand’s website and most of the times makes a purchase.
3 It’s that easy process to reach your customers who are looking for your products/services
 online and to convert them into leads with the help of Google Adwords

=>>> Targeting Parameters that you can use when you run an Adwords Campaign
   Location from which user is searching     
   Best suitable time of the day to run the Ad   
   Language Specific Targeting     
   Device Targeting     
   Search Query (keyword) - Most searched keywords on Google

=>>> What is the objective of running Ads on google
 is it to bring more traffic on your client’s website or on your business website
 To get phone calls or to collect email ids Just choose how much you want to pay per click
 and get started

what is adwords 
adword is that type of tools on  which we can run our advertisement on 
millions of searches, networks,display video ads shopping ads
what is  search network in adword 
when we search any thing on google we will see listing on that .
that listing is called organic (unpaid) listing we can run our  ads on
 uperside or lower that called inorganic seacrches(paid ads)
What is text advertisement  
text ads is the most common ads on adwords 
it has 
headline    : from which we can atract user to our website (30 chracter)
display url :from which we can see our brand website  
discription :lines we can share more information obout our business in discription lines(80 chracter )
ad extension:we can share our address ,phone no ,contact us,sitelink, 
on which type of words type by users you want to run your ads is known as keywords 
we should choose keyword  very carefully & intelligently so our ads only visible to those 
who want to see 

Click imperession & ctr 
impression : whenever your ads is display on google is
 known as impression  (cpm- cost per thousand impppression)

click : when some click on that ads and  vist to your 
website know as click (cpc- cost per click)

click through rate : ratio of clicks and impression is known
 as click through rate through which we can able to know that 
how much persent of users visit to your ads from which no of searches to your ads 
page speed tool is use to check rank
Ads rank depend on
+ bid
+ quality score
expected ctr = click through ratio
landing page experiance =relevant & usefull content ,transperancy & trustworthiness,ease of nevigation
ads relavance
+ expected impact of ads formats,extention
Dimensions tab 
after we click on dimensions tab then we have to click on view day then we got a list
from that we judge our adword report 
What is search terms report
search term report will tell us that what the user has type when they get your ads from this
 we get to knowthat is our ads is visible to our target audiance or not

we can use this as negative keyword 
or to change our match type 
Geographic reports
on which places our ads has worked we can know this through geographic reports 

from this we can know that suppose our ads are target 3 country we can know with this in which country our 
ads is faster growing than we can target only that specific  country
Hour of the day reports 
from this reports we get to know that on which hour of a day we get a maximum clicks 
0 =12am to 1am
1 =1am to 2am
Ads position 
top placements 
lower placements 
What the ad rank can do 
a higher ad rank make your keywords more competitive in the auction & generally increase impression volume 
How to bid in a right way
basic bidding
-estimated first page bid 
- estimated top page bid 
How to check quality score 
go to any keyword 
click on eligible 
then you get your quality score
Powers of ads extentions
-> improve visibility
->more engaging ads
->more relavant traffic to your site
->better ctr & ROI
Sitelinks extention 
in this we add/include additional pages of our website to our ads so that
we can show our user that what we have in our websitebefore they click on it 
this will help us to take our user to other page of my website directly  
Callout extentions
callout extention means giving valuable information of our website to our user
Call extention
we can add our phone no with our ads so we directly connect our customers via a phone 
Location extention 
it helps to highlight your business location(google map business)
App extention
it helps to drive discovery & installation of your app
Review extention
showcase a credible third party source that has reviewd your business
Social annotations
that help the user to know about power of your pages
Seller ratings
in this user can rate us between 1 to 5 star
its highlight our customer's experiance with our business
Privious visit extention
it automatically encourage one time customer to become regular
for ex you have visited 5 time.last vist today
things to know about add extention
+no additional cost
+multiple extention at same time 
+might not show all the time
+call and locotion extention work on display too
+customize for ad group level
+automated extentions dont  need setup
What is google display network
a group of a more than million of website,videos & apps where your ads can appear
Ads format avilable on display network 
Creative solution 

google drive action 
when user already searching for your product then we can use drive action so it automatically
 display our website & the user can take action

influence consideration
when user searching for your product but not desided that he want to buy or not then we can
dispay our product ads so we can influence cust. towards our product

build awareness 
if we launced a new product that nobody know then we display our ads to diffrent site to create awareness
Types of bidding 
cpm= cost per thousand imperession
this bidding method is more useful for brand awareness purpose
cpc= cost per click
this bidding method ismore useful for when you want that user will take action to your link


->Display keywords
*choose keyword related to your product or services
*keyword should closely to one another & to the ads in that group
              examples:camera,digital camera,dslr,video camera
*system chooses wabpages based on the themes of your keywords

*select topic related to your website your customers see
*you can reach a broad audiance quickly
*you can select from over 1750 topics and sub topics

->Placement targeting
*choose specific site for your ads by using manage placement targeting
* reach your customer where they spent time 
*priortize by increasing your bid for maximum exposure

-> Demographic targeting
*age demographic specific age 
*gender demographic male or female
*parental status parents vs non parents based on how we see these user browse the web

-> In market audience
* users are searching product and considering buying services or product
*focused on getting convesation from customers
* reach customer close to completing a purchase

->Affinity audience
*increase awareness of your brand and product
*detailed picture of user lifestyles interest and need
*personalised algorithms action paid to each individualspecific behaviour

->custom affinity audiance
*creating your own segment by using keywords and using url
*custom element designed to drive precision
*connect with your ideal audiance no matter how niche

->display remarketing 
*reach people after they have  visited your website 
*beautiful & relavant ads
*lists to achieve specific advertising goals

